Thursday, March 11, 2010

Elsie Hotpepper Is Trying To Cure Me Of Being An Overweight Fort Worth Shut-In Who Does Not Get Out Much

Today, two people, separately and in response to separate stimuli, informed me that I'm a shut-in who does not get out much.

At first I was taken aback by this blunt rudeness, the likes of which, I am unaccustomed to being subjected.

But, then as I thought about it, I realized I was reacting badly to this information because it was true. I remember reading somewhere that the truth hurts.

I don't quite understand why it hurts so much to realize I'm a shut-in who does not get out much. I suppose it is because it's not how I see myself, til I think about it and realize I'm a shut-in who does not get out much.

Anyway, I'll have more to say about not getting out much and the full shocking extent of the high level of shut-initis, later, but first I must say, I have resolved to try and get out more and quit being so shut-in.

So, this morning I went swimming. Okay, that's no different than my usual shut-in routine. Then, really daring to do something different, I took myself outside again, escaping being shut-in, and drove to the Tandy Hills Natural Area, risking that it might still be too muddy from yesterday's downpour deluge.

But that's the new me, taking wild crazy risks.

The hiking the Tandy Hills risk paid off, as it was dry enough for hiking. Due to yesterday's deluge, the Tandy River was running high. I had to use a stepping stone to get across the turbulent torrent.

I forgot to mention, that is today's view of the Tandy River, flowing big, in the picture at the top.

I just took another anti-histamine medication due to whatever it is that is in the air that is making my eyes itch and burn. The medication seems to work.

Elsie Hotpepper is trying to get me to go out to lunch with her tomorrow, along with someone I've never met. My usual inclination, with such invitations, is to politely decline, due to such things wreak havoc with my shut-in, not getting out much, regular lifestyle.

But, since I'm trying to change, because change is good, or so I've been led to believe, I am seriously considering taking Elsie up on this lunch deal. As long as she promises to stay sober. But. I will need to put a few more hours into thinking about this before risking doing something so daring as going out for lunch.

In the meantime, despite the anti-histamine, my eyes continue to bug me bad.


  1. Maybe you're a shut-in that likes to get out? =) I think that many of us use the internet as a way to keep connected to people but also as a moat to keep people away. Not me, of course. I'd never.

  2. Twister---
    I can see you have put more thought than I into the me being a shut-in problem. I do like keeping people at a distance. The moat metaphor had not occurred to me before, but it is apt. I probably would get out more and be less of a shut-in, if I had any friends and if those friends I don't have ever asked me to get out somewhere. It's really quite sad and is why I drink herbal tea to make myself feel better.

  3. As your West Texas friend and adviser...I'm thinking you should do the lunch.

  4. Thanks WTF, the lunch is still in the negotiation phase. However, the location, Mexican Inn, has been agreed upon.
