Monday, March 22, 2010

Doing Texas Twister Push Ups While Walking Among White Wildflowers In Fort Worth

In my mind I was glaring at Mister Twister when the picture of me doing push-ups was taken.

Yesterday morning, Mister Twister went virtually swimming with me.

Later that day, Mister Twister told me, as best as I can remember, that I am in terrible shape, a big flabby mess and that I needed to start doing a lot of push-ups to get rid of my big ol' man boobs.

Or as Gar the Texan calls them, well his, moobs.

Now, it sort of disturbed me that Mister Twister would focus so much attention on what he said were my pathetically ill-defined sagging pectoral muscles. I think if I thought such thoughts about someone I'd keep it to myself.

Anyway, now that Mister Twister made me aware that I am seriously out of shape, I have followed his advice, as in this morning I did 200 push-ups, or thereabouts. As a result I feel right now as if someone has gut punched me.

Prior to today's amping up of the physical strain I put myself through, my only physical activity has been extremely short pool dips and short walks.

Today I did both the dip and the walk and those 200 push-ups. The walk was around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park. It seems like the wildflowers are being late to appear. Today I did see several interesting looking fluffy, white flowers.

Yesterday's snowy, extremely cold first day of Spring is now a faded, bad memory. Right now, coming up on 4 in the afternoon it is 66 and I'm back with open windows.

Just as I typed that yesterday's cold is now a faded bad memory I saw incoming email pop up on the other monitor.

In response to me whining about yesterday's Arctic Cold, Miss BS, well, she prefers me to refer to as Miss Oahu, not BS, but that's extra letters to type and I'm all about brevity.

Anyway, Miss O said, "DJ, as the hippy dippy weather man used to say...'tonight's forecast dark with scattered light in the morning...and if you don't like the weather MOVE'. "

Well, turns out I didn't need to MOVE. Yet. It's warm again.

And on a totally unrelated subject, the last of my Missing Persons has been found. The Scrabble Queen of Washington is back in the Evergreen State. And beating me at Scrabble. For the most part. I did score big with "quirk" today. Actually, I score pretty big with "quirk" almost every day, now that you're making me think about it.

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