Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Day Before Daylight Savings Time Hiking The Tandy Hills In Fort Worth With My Therapist

As you can see, it is another blue sky Saturday, here in currently balmy Fort Worth, Texas, with just a few days til Winter turns to Spring.

Speaking of which, Spring, I mean, I must remember to spring my clocks forward an hour, tonight, to get them in to Daylight Savings Time mode, so that I don't wake up tomorrow morning all confused as to what time it is.

Hiking the Tandy Hills today had me feeling all sorts of happy. The hills were alive with the sound of birds chirping, the smell of flora coming to life, but, sadly, few humans enjoying Mother Nature having herself a good day. And, let's face it, she has been one cranky Mother this winter. It is nice she is back being nice. I hope it lasts.

I would mention that I had myself a really fine time, early this morning, swimming the longest swim of 2010, but, Anonymous told me that he/she tires of my daily swimming litany. I think a phrase like "you tiresome bore" was used.

This would have hurt my delicate feelings if they were delicate, which they are not, so I ignored Anonymous and mentioned swimming anyway.

I have to tell you that I had myself a real fine time with a new hiking partner today. My, well, slightly overweight therapist, Dr. L.C., finally took me up on my ongoing offer to show her the Tandy Hills. I wish Dr. L.C. would have let me take a picture of her in hiking mode, but she is overly self-conscious about that extra heft she carries, hence, the photo aversion.

Anyway, that's been my Saturday in Texas, up early, in the pool, hiking the Tandy Hills, then back here in my regular shut-in mode til Daylight Savings mode kicks in. Tomorrow I may go outside again.

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