Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Chesapeakegate Scandal Has Me Feeling All Squirrely

You're looking at a Fosdic Lake Squirrel. Squirrels are my favorite rodent. Most squirrels act squirrely and scurry away when you get remotely close.

And then there are un-squirrely squirrels who have adjusted to humans, likely due to finding humans to be a good source of snacks.

Years ago there was a very friendly squirrel who lived at River Legacy Park, in Arlington. That little guy would run right up to you. One time I laid on the ground with my camera aimed at him and some nuts in one hand. He ate out of my hand and let me pet him.

I have no idea what happened to my picture of the River Legacy Park squirrel. I believe I have every picture I've taken since 1998 on this computer I'm using right now. The River Legacy Park squirrel is probably somewhere among the thousands of pictures.

Walking around Fosdic Lake did not alleviate the foul mood I've been in for over 24 hours now. It has really sort of thrown me to have experienced perverted justice up close and personal. I've read of such things, mostly taking place under totalitarian regimes in repressive places, but I've never eye-witnessed serious corruption before. It is unsettling.

I have been getting emails regarding the Chesapeakegate Scandal. Asking me questions, as if I have the answer to what has gone wrong in Texas. One of the email's message was quite good. I have asked if I can use it for blogging fodder. I have yet to get an answer.

Waking up to rain this morning did not help my foul mood. Swimming in the rain did lift my spirits, slightly, for a little while. The sun is trying to break through the clouds and possibly cheer me up, but it seems to be having a hard time of it.


  1. The whole image of you laying on the ground with your camera out and your nuts in your hand completely ruined this post.

  2. Garbro---
    I quite clearly said I had "some" nuts in my hand. I did not say I had "my" nuts in my hand.

    Apparently, you were imagining my nuts in my hand, which is sort of disturbing and I wish you'd just stop thinking about such things.

  3. I learned that from you.

    I thought I was being a good student.

  4. Garbrobalator---
    Quit trying to confuse me. You learned what from me? To think about nuts and squirrels? I really don't know if you've ever been a good student, in a truly meaningful way.

  5. Garbro---
    I get it now. You were referring to my tendency to slightly twist the intended meaning of what someone writes. Now that I get it, I must say you have been a good student and did a good job of it. I give you an A. I know how you love to get those A's.

  6. Garbo---
    Why are you speaking Canadian?

  7. For some reason every time you are verbally abusive in that sarcastic way of yours it leaves me thinking of Canadians.
    I suspect it's because you spent so much time in close proximity.

  8. Garno---
    Why would you say something so verbally abusive and sarcastic to me? You've obviously not spent any time with Canucks. I think you may have confused Canadians with Germans, eh?

  9. It is possible that the steady stream of verbal abuse has created some kind of country of origin confusion in my befuddled mind.

  10. Garzoo---
    Have you considered putting some effort into figuring out why everyone is constantly verbally abusing you? That might be time well spent. I assume your latest wife likely goes all Nazi on you on a regular basis, spewing who knows what at you, in German, I'm sure it is quite good verbal abuse. I think the Germans invented that art form. They are weak at sarcasm though.

  11. Not everyone does. I know why the ones that do do (heheh). And I'm happy with the results.

  12. Garbanzo---
    You are much too old to have way too much fun with do do.

    I'm sorry, I thought everyone verbally abused you. I must have misunderstood what you were saying.

    Have you considered maybe bulking up from your scrawny 130 pound self so that you might better intimidate some of your tormentors? Like you wife. You'd probably get along better with her if you weighed more than her. It's something to think about.

  13. Dang! I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps if my tub o' lardiness approached yours in grandeur then everyone would treat me with the respect we lard-asses deserve.

  14. Garlard---
    Well, I don't think I get nearly the amount of verbal abuse you get, I really think being a big tub o' lardiness is helpful. People are wary of a FAT MAN, while STICK MEN, like you, do not cause any wariness. So, try being a FAT BOY for awhile and see if that helps alleviate some of the constant verbal abuse.

  15. Thank you Duranchologist, this has been quite helpful.

  16. Garboyle---
    I am glad I was able to be helpful.
