Friday, March 19, 2010

Chesapeakegate Scandal: Carter Avenue's Steve Doeung Has Gone Missing

No one has heard from Steve Doeung since Wednesday.

On that day Steve asked me to go to the Belly of the Beast, with him, to file an appeal to the order of condemnation taking his property rights, signed by the dishonorable Judge Vincent G. Sprinkle on March 9.

I was unable to go to the courthouse with Steve on Wednesday.

Phone calls to Steve's number ring without answer.

With so much being so wrong in this Malice in Blunderland Eminent Domain Abuse Capital of the World, I don't think one can err when considering the most outrageous of possibilities.

In other words, did the Fort Worth Gestapo take Steve Doeung into custody? The Fort Worth Gestapo has staged 3 or 4 bogus raids on Steve's home, which were basically terrorist acts designed to intimidate Steve into kowtowing to the Chesapeake thugs and their Fort Worth lackeys.

The Gestapo Raids did not have their intended effect and instead resulted in more bad publicity for Fort Worth, in much the same manner as the Rainbow Lounge Fort Worth Gestapo Raid, which the city's Propaganda Minister initially totally mischaracterized, not realizing that journalists and responsible adults were among the victims of the Stormtroopers.

Within days of the Rainbow Lounge Gestapo Raid, after National and World-wide outrage was expressed, the City of Fort Worth's officials had to do some backpedaling and start, somewhat, speaking the truth.

So, what has happened to Steve Doeung? Why has he gone silent? Where is he?

When you live under what is basically a lawless, fascist regime, you really can not assume anything but the worst.

1 comment:

  1. I may be sending a search party out for Steve...there's been no words from him.
