Saturday, March 27, 2010

Breaking Out Of My Texas Rut With Arlington Veterans Park Easter Egg Hunting & Disk Golfing

I didn't find any money today at Veterans Park. The last time I was there I found 17 pennies. That was the best thing that happened to me that week.

When I drove into the Veterans Park parking lot it was quickly obvious something was happening. Soon I saw a giant Easter Bunny. An Easter Egg Hunt had just taken place.

This caused me to wonder if Easter was tomorrow. I'm oblivious to such things. I subsequently found out that Easter is not tomorrow.

When I reached the spot where I had my 17 penny windfall I found no money. But I did find a Golf Disk. Veterans Park has a Disk Golf Course. There were no Disk Golfers to be seen.

So, I now have a Disk Golf Disk in my possession. I've seen a lot of people over the years throwing Golf Disks. It looks easy. Like throwing a Frisbee. However, I was not able to cause the Golf Disk to fly very far. Two tries later I was tired of Disk Golfing.

Earlier today I mentioned that someone had told me I was in a tiresome rut and needed to do something different to break out of my tiresome rut.

I feel that finding and throwing a Golf Disk qualifies as doing something different. But I still feel stuck in a tiresome rut.

I did have one other exciting thing happen today. I was cooking some burger material in a frying pan. And roasting oven-baked fries in the oven. A sort of pleasant smoky smell was wafting about. I thought it was coming from inside the oven, looked there, saw nothing unusual.

After the burgers were done I lifted the frying pan off the thing that gets hot, the name of which I'm not remembering right now, and found a large chunk of burned paper towel. I guess I'm lucky it did not go to flame. How it got so black and did not catch fire, I don't know. And why did I see no smoke? I was sort of distracted, due to worrying about that tiresome rut thing, maybe there was smoke. But the smoke alarms did not go off.

Maybe I should check the smoke alarm batteries.

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