Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Trio Of Snowmen In Fort Worth's Gateway Park With Trinity Falls In Mini-Niagara Mode

These snowmen were found today in Gateway Park. Proof that at some point in time someone had some fun playing in the snow in this park.

But today, with the return of blue sky and the snow still being perfectly playable, I saw no playing. I think Texas kids are so unused to the white stuff they don't know how to have fun in it.

That and who is going to have a sled in these parts? I only saw one sled during our latest white period. And it was dinky little one. Maybe some of the parks that have hills, like Veterans Park in Arlington, got more action.

Another problem with Gateway Park and kids having fun playing in the snow there, is the access problem. As in none of the roads that lead to Gateway Park have sidewalks. What sort of lamebrain town builds a nice park, but does not have sidewalks that kids might use to safely walk or bike to the park? That is just irresponsible on the city's part, in my opinion.

The Trinity River is running a lot of water, I assume it's snow melt. I could hear Trinity Falls roaring well before Fort Worth's Niagara came into view.

The melting run-off found a nice path way to the river, provided courtesy of Express Energy Services and the ruts left behind after their recent Trinity River water removal operation.

A lot of erosion is taking place, where previously no erosion took place, because grass protected the underlying dirt from the ravages of fast moving water, but the protective grass was replaced by deep ruts. And a lot of mud.

Speaking of fast moving water, there was a lot of the stuff flowing over Trinity Falls today, rendering the dam/bridge passable only to water. So much water is in the river that it makes the falls shorter.

There are a lot of negative ions released by a waterfall, or so someone told me once. It felt real good in this location today. And the air smelled fresh, as if it had had a good scrubbing.

More snow is in the forecast.

Why can't winter in Texas be warm like it is up in Washington? Everything is being backwards. The Northwest is being warm, Vancouver has a snow shortage, while here in the South, we are cold with a snow surplus. I don't know how much more climate change I can take before it starts to make me cranky.

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