Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Singing The Only Way Evil Can Prevail Is If Good People Do Nothing Fort Worth Blues

I'm no longer suffering from SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder) due to the lifting of the wet, gray veil with the return to a cloudless blue sky.

In the picture that is the same view I showed you yesterday, with the clouds and the rain removed.

It is cold out there, though, as in 25. I had a little ice incident this morning, slipping on a little spot of water that sat poolside, that I did not realize was ice.

I am ready for winter to be over.

I am being tortured daily with HOT reports from Kauai. This morning's mentioned fish tacos. I have not had a fish taco since I was last up in Washington at a Taco del Mar in Tacoma. I don't think there are Taco del Mars in Texas. There are fish tacos here. But my two attempts at trying a Texas fish taco were not pleasant. In one of the incidents I believe the fish was catfish.

There should be some sort of law requiring it being plainly noted if catfish is being used as seafood.

Back to SAD, this morning I got a SAD related comment, from John, to a blogging from a few days ago, titled "Depressing News From My Therapist While The Fosdic Ducks Possibly Caucus About Tonight's NCTCA Meeting."

Below is what John had to say...

When I let myself get depressed and focus on the bad stuff people do to each other and completely disregard the good stuff we do with each other every day (and which doesn't often get reported), then I find I have my excuse for not only feeling depressed, but for not being one of the folks who do the good stuff either. I get to whine about the bad stuff, and not put myself out enough to be a part of its remedy. I get to "feel good" about not taking action, even though by doing that I become part of the bad stuff too (which I overlook completely, of course).

I know that if I let myself experience people as we fully are, our compassion and helping and going out of our ways to be a solution to problems others encounter every day, then I'll take action instead of gripe and become one of those people I admire instead of being one of those who do nothing when faced with bad things happening to folks.

I can only stay depressed if I'm not doing anything to help, and being the person Edmund Burke talks about when he said "The only way evil can prevail is if good people do nothing."

The only way evil can prevail is if good people do nothing.

Trouble is, way too often good people do do something, yet evil prevails. Steve Doeung vs. Chesapeake Energy and the City of Fort Worth, for example. I'm thinking sometimes we don't have sufficient numbers of good people doing something to stop evil from prevailing.

I don't care how cold it is, I am going to get out and do something aerobic today. But first I have to finish making changes to a website.


  1. I know what the problem is...good people aren't pro-creating enough offspring. We should rectify this problem immediately.
