Friday, February 12, 2010

The Sheet Of Ice and Snow Has Brought Dead Calm To My Zone Of Fort Worth Texas

The sun has now lit up Friday's extremely white world of North Texas and Fort Worth. The snow total now being reported is 12.4 inches at D/FW Airport by 4am Friday morning. 11.2 inches had fallen by midnight Thursday at the official measuring station.

11.2 inches broke the previous 24 hour snowfall total. The previous record had been 7.8 inches in both 1917 and 1964. This is now the whitest winter in North Texas in 32 years.

It is dead quiet outside. Usually at 7 in the morning, if I step outside, I hear the traffic zooming by on the 820 freeway and traffic on my neighboring surface streets.

But, it is dead calm out there this Friday morning in Fort Worth.

It is still freezing out there. I suspect I will not be able to escape here today by mechanized transport. I may use the bi-ped method to go over to Miss Puerto Rico's to look at the view from her more elevated vantage point. That might be a way too slippery adventure with way too high a painful fall possibility.

The cross country skis should work on today's frozen condition. Maybe I'll use that as my means of locomotion.


  1. It is eerily quiet today. Snow does that though, right? Isn't that part of the amazingness of snow?

    Let's just take a second to thank Mother Nature and El Nino.

    I hope you do ski. It should definitely work today!

  2. Jovo---
    It's so eerie quiet. I thought there were no cars on the freeway. But there are. Everything is muffled.

    No skiing. We're above freezing and it didn't get solid enough to make the cross country skis work right.
