Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Great 2010 North Texas Snowstorm Is Now Over 12 Hours Old & It Is Still Snowing In Fort Worth

We are over 12 hours into the biggest snow storm to hit North Texas in decades. It is still snowing hard and still hovering at 32 degrees. In a couple hours it will be a frozen, icy, slippery, dangerous mess out there.

At 3 I decided to brave the elements, once more, to see if I could free a mechanized transport from its white blanket and get mobile.

As you can see in the picture a giant snowball head has grown in front of my snow covered van. The snowball head appears to be wearing a stocking cap, complete with a ball on top and is sporting a toothy grin and big orange eyeballs.

The snowman I showed you previously, the one with the big, misshapen derriere, has gone missing. I suspect that snowman morphed into the big, grinning snowball head.

The conditions are not conducive to a satisfying cross country skiing experience. That requires a more solidly frozen base. The base out there, in places, is a slushy mess. The skis sink to the slush and it becomes a tough, un-fun slog through the snow.

The few drivers I saw on the road appear to be driving with extreme caution. I ran into some icy spots walking, I suspect there are plenty of icy spots, already, on the roads.

As you can see, the other mechanized transport device, that I showed you being inoperable earlier, is now even more inoperable, without a lot of snow and ice removal.

I have never come to possess snow and ice removal equipment of the sort that were always kept in my vehicles in Washington, due to the need here, in Texas, being so rare. Right now I wish I had an ice scraper. Have you ever tried scraping windows with a credit card? It is slow going.

After I was done checking out the snow status of the transport devices I decided to check on the pool.
What you are looking at in the picture is the fountain that flows water into the pool. This creates a soothing babbling brook sound effect that I like at night when my windows are open.

Something about the juxtaposition of the icy blue of the pool and the bright white of the snow makes me want to get into the water. I let the feeling pass without taking any action.

So, that's my Texas Snow Day, so far. As of right now the snow appears to have slowed up quite a bit. It has been at this point several times today, and then come roaring back. Which seems to be happening even as I type.

I keep getting comments, today, from Snow Day Home Bound Garth the Texan, seeming evermore happy as he imbibes in his Kermit doctor prescribed tonic. I think it has a high alcohol content.


  1. Thought you might like to know your nurse was aquited saw it in my SE Mo paper.

  2. Dur Garth O --

    Sorry, I past out there for a second. What did you say?
