Friday, February 5, 2010

The Fosdic Lake Dam Vision Is Back With Elsie Hotpepper & The Westside Redneck

My therapist, Dr. L.C., this morning, insisted I get outside to try and recover from my severe case of SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder) helped by the return of blue sky, well, some blue sky, here in my zone of Texas.

With recent wetness limiting my outdoor choices, I went to the same place I went for a wet, drizzly walk yesterday, that being Oakland Lake Park, to walk around Fosdic Lake.

Yesterday I did not walk across Fosdic Dam. So, I did not see that the Fort Worth Parks People had cleared a lot more foliage from the dry side of the dam.

Some time ago we learned this was being done so that an inspection of the dam could be made.

It was sometime around then, when I had my Fosdic Lake Vision. Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief had agreed to donate the ill-gotten gains he's gotten from the Barnett Shale gas drillers operating in Fort Worth, to fund the Fosdic Lake Vision. Later the mayor reneged on his promise. I think that's what happened. I have way too much that I try to remember.

This morning there was a comment from the Westside Redneck regarding yesterday's blogging about walking around Fosdic Lake.

The Westside Redneck commented...

I was thinking that Fort Worth could expand your Fosdic Lake vision and make it city wide. There's Fosdic Lake to the east. Echo Park Lake to the south. Lake Como on the west side and Marine Lake on the north. And of course there is always Lake Worth which Fort Worth Weekly featured recently. We need more than eating and shopping establishments in our old town.

As you can see, the Westside Redneck has a much broader vision than mine. I like the way he looks.

I heard from someone else, Anonymous, this morning. Asking me who Elsie Hotpepper was. This curiousity arose, I suppose, after Anonymous read this morning's blogging about the Fort Worth Moncrief's history of conspiracy, greed & the IRS almost destroying that infamous Texas oil family.

Anonymous also asked if I had a picture of Elsie Hotpepper. I can sort of see where someone might be curious to see what someone named Elsie Hotpepper looks like.

Since I have seen Elsie, in person, there is no mystery for me.

Elsie is a free-spirited gal, likes to take on causes. Elsie often makes herself up in outlandish disguises when she is out and about. All in all, a real fun girl. Except when she drinks. She's a mean drunk.

And on a totally unrelated note, back to the Westside Redneck. The Redneck repeated his comment a couple times. This happens when a commenter does not realize the comment does not show up til the moderator approves it. The moderator has to moderate, because there are a lot of comments that the moderator would not want people to be reading. That, and there is a lot of spam commenting.

A couple times a commenter, who does not realize the comment will not show up immediately, works up to being quite upset, as he tries once more, to comment, not realizing that the moderator is going to see each of the attempts. I remember a person from Tacoma doing this and pretty much ending up foaming at the mouth by the 5th attempt. It made for blogging fodder.

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