Thursday, February 4, 2010

Depressing News From My Therapist While The Fosdic Ducks Possibly Caucus About Tonight's NCTCA Meeting

I had insomnia night before last. Last night I slept some, but got up early. Early morning I tried the shock therapy of an icy pool dip, hoping it'd break me out of my dark gray depression.

It did not work. I think I'm entering Howard Hughes territory. I clip my fingernails, but my hair has grown long and I don't remember when last I scraped a razor across my face.

In other words. I'm a mess.

My therapist, Dr. L.C., instead of her usual prescription that I exit my depressing abode and do something aerobic outdoors, sent me a link to a video.

Just when I think the bad stuff bad people do to good people, here in Texas. And elsewhere. Can't get worse. Something comes along and adds more depressing information to my overload.

After viewing that video, without my therapist's prescription to do so, I took off out of here, anyway, seeking some sort of peace among the Fosducks at Fosdick Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

It was not all that warm today, here in Fort Worth, but the ducks were in march on land mode, more than huddle in the water, keeping warm mode. There seemed to be a lot of quacking among the ducks, as if they were having a very serious discussion.

There is a meeting of the North Central Texas Communities Alliance (NCTCA) taking place in a couple hours at the Hotel Trinity Inn Suites on the south side of I-30 at Beach Street. Dr. Al Armendariz, the new Regional Administrator for the EPA Region 6, will be there and speaking.

A person, or two, has asked if I'm going to be there.

Well, like I said, I'm a mess, not really, currently, fit for a meeting with coffee, networking and news interviews.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking that Fort Worth could expand your Fosdic Lake vision and make it city wide.

    There's Fosdic Lake to the east. Echo Park Lake to the south. Lake Como on the west side and Marine Lake on the north.

    And of course there is always Lake Worth which Fort Worth Weekly featured recently.

    We need more than eating and shopping establishments in our old town.
