Saturday, January 9, 2010

West Texas Chief Operative CT2's Report On Express Energy Services

My Chief West Texas Operative, Agent CT2, aka The Queen of Wink, after my bizarre incident, yesterday, on the Trinity River Levee, with Express Energy Services, decided to do some research in to the company which I believe is in cahoots with a cabal of crooks, to basically break Texas law and steal water from the Trinity River, for the benefit of gas drillers.

If the law were being followed, Express Energy Services would pay what is called money, to obtain a permit from the Tarrant Regional Water District, the agency which acts as the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's agent in overseeing Tarrant County water use.

Express Energy Services recently went through Chapter 11 bankruptcy, leaving dozens of creditors unpaid. Express Energy Services has had all sorts of financial problems.

Now, why would the Tarrant Regional Water District enter into any sort of contract with a company that is financially so precarious? Supposedly Express Energy Services pays TRWD for the water it sucks from the Trinity River and then, in turn, re-sells that water to the gas drillers.

So, far I have not seen any public records of these transactions.

I am awaiting answers to some of these questions from the TRWD.

So far TRWD remains mute.

Now, read the report from my Chief Operative, Agent CT2. Agent CT2 raises all sorts of questions that need answers.

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