Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tasha The Texas Devil Cat Hissed At Me Again Today

I dropped in on Miss Puerto Rico's cat on my way back from my daily constitutional, this time at Village Creek Natural Historic Area.

I think I've had cat sitting duty maybe 6 or 7 times. During the most recent previous cat sitting, back in October, the Devil Cat, Tasha, stopped hissing at me and threatening me with claws if I got too close.

This breakthrough came about due to Tasha, the Devil Cat, liking the treats I was giving her. She actually allowed me to pet her. Slightly. And if I didn't go find her upon entering her house, she'd come find me.

But, today, when I gave her her treats and slightly petted the top of her head, on the 3rd pet I got a huge hiss. I backed off.

The picture clearly shows Tasha the Devil Cat's evil eyes, along with her Hitleresque mustache.

I sat outside on the balcony for awhile, watching humanity pass by. When I came back in, the Devil Cat was where you see her in the first picture, glaring at me from behind her scratching post. I think she was wanting more of her special treats. She got no more. She shouldn't have hissed at me.

I called Miss Puerto Rico while I was sitting on her balcony. I had not heard from her and thought it might be a Haiti related phone service problem. But, the phones had had no problem. Apparently she'd called and left messages, which I did not see til I looked for them.

Speaking of phone calls. I got gas today so I called my mom in Phoenix and told her I got gas and how much it cost. After that we continued talking for way too long, til I got tired of holding the phone to my ear. My mom and dad are planning on coming to Texas again. Seems like they were just here, but it was slightly over a year ago.

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