Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Tandy River Thaws & Tandy Falls Falls In Balmy Fort Worth Texas

We have gone way above freezing. It is a relatively balmy 45 out there, coming up on 5 in the afternoon.

Today I went hiking, again, at the Tandy Hills. That make 5 days in a row. This may be a record. It is also quickly melting off my sloth/weather related weight gain.

Before I went to the Tandy Hills I checked in on the Beach Street/Gateway Park Trinity River water pumping operation to be surprised once again. This time not by a human encounter.

But, I learned, or think I did, all sorts of things I did not know before.

Due to the warmer temperatures, the formerly frozen Tandy River and its tributaries are flowing again. And water is flowing over Tandy Falls on the Tandy River. There are still big frozen falls hanging off Tandy Falls, but now that Tandy Falls is back roaring again, that ice won't last long.

I wonder how long it will be before the gas drillers get permits from the Tarrant Regional Water District to pump water out of the Tandy River? I've learned I can't go wrong, here, by expecting the goofiest thing to be permitted.

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