Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Saturday Shootout With Express Energy On The Trinity River In Fort Worth

It rained last night, here in usually dry Fort Worth, Texas. With the rain I knew my usual Saturday hiking up and down the Tandy Hills would not be doable, so I decided to go to Gateway Park.

And since I was at Gateway Park I decided to walk out to the Trinity Trails to see what those Express Energy boys were up to, if anything.

I think yesterday, when I mentioned checking in on the EE boys, I said I might be back today to search for the illusive meters that the TCEQ claims are required for this type of water removal operation.

Today I took along a bodyguard. I'm sort of glad I did. I could see there were a couple guys sitting in the White Darth Vader Pickup when I snapped the picture you see above, of the rutted up, muddied, damaged Trinity River levee.

And then I turned my attention to a leak spouting out of one of the pipes. Now is this leak before or after the water has been metered?

When I turned around, after taking the picture of the leaking pipe, I was surprised to see the two Express Energy guys out of the truck. They looked harmless enough. My bodyguard waved them a big howdy. They waved back.

The Express Energy guys would have had to walk through all that mud if they had wanted to get closer to me. Is mucking up the levee and the paved pedestrian trail included in the permit to run this operation? What happened next was very interesting.

I turned around from having taken the picture of the Express Energy guys standing beside their White Darth Vader Truck to find another White Darth Vader Truck coming towards me at high speed on the paved trail that says "No Motorized Vehicles." As he got closer he was not slowing down. I'm thinking, wait a minute, I'm the pedestrian here, walking on public land on a public trail.

I blinked and jumped out of the way after snapping the above picture. At this point the Express Energy exploits lost any chance of being considered a benign thing where I'm just over reacting. This had turned malignant. I continued walking, but kept glancing behind me. The truck that was on a course to run me over, drove to the rutted up zone, by the first truck, then quickly turned around and started heading back towards me!

By then I was off the paved trail because it was too muddy and too wet, I assume from leaking pipes. The truck stopped about midway between Beach Street and the water sucking site. I stopped to take some pictures of all the mud where the White Darth Vader Trucks drive on to the No Motorized Vehicles paved trail, right off Beach Street. That's the below picture.

You can sort of make out the former paved pedestrian Trinity Trail that has become a highway for Express Energy Services.

I continued on walking past Beach Street for about a mile. The paved trail crosses the Trinity River just east of the Beach Street bridge, but an unpaved trail continues on top of the levee on the north side. I sort of expected the White Darth Vader Truck to follow us. But he didn't.

I was a little wary of what I was going to run into on the way back through the Express Energy zone. The first White Darth Vader Truck was still in position, with the EE guys back inside the truck. You can see here another view of what a mess they have made of the paved trail, with tire ruts on both sides of the trail.

All looked peaceful as I continued walking. And then something funny happened.

I was on the bridge that leads into Gateway Park. I was taking some more pictures of the pipe leak. When I turned around to look in the opposite direction, I saw that one of the Express Energy guys was taking pictures of me! So, I took a picture of him taking a picture of me.

Now, yesterday I mentioned that in the Modern Wild West that I think cameras and cell phones have replaced the Six-Shooters of the Old Wild West. I think after yesterday's shootout Express Energy decided they needed to arm their guys. I hope he got some good pictures. I'm not very photogenic.


  1. What a narrow escape! And you even have an eye witness of the near fatal attack! In your picture of the truck that was purposely coming at you, full speed, there seems to be missing a front license plate, aren't vehicles in Texas required to have both front and back plates? These Express Energy fellows are sure big time lawbreakers!

  2. CT2----
    I did not notice the missing license plate. You have such an Eagle Eye. I'm thinking maybe this truck only drives on pedestrian trails clearly marked "No Motorized Vehicles" so it is exempt from needing a license plate. I think we have pretty much learned that Express Energy operates above the law, in cahoots with all the corruption that has, well, corrupted, Fort Worth and its surrounding area.

  3. BAHAHA. He took a picture of you. That's great. Maybe you'll be blacklisted? That's like a compliment and a life-ruiner rolled into one. Hopefully no wanted signs get posted in EE's shiny HQ... I'm glad you're okay, yoh. And CTsquared is definitely right, license plates are required on the front and back of a vehicle! Maybe you could find a non-corrupt FWPD cop and cause a little ruckus in the form of a traffic violation!!! ^_^

  4. Janneba---
    It was both a bit scary, and more than a little creepy.

  5. Jovo----
    That'd be cool to get blacklisted. I dunno who'd do the blacklisting though.

    I don't think FW cops would do anything against anything to do with the gas drilling. The truck with no license plate is driving on a paved pedestrian trail with "NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES" signs posted.

    You have to keep in mind that Fort Worth is a company town with a long history of lawlessness, corruption and being home to a lot of criminals. The town even named their downtown parking lots after one of their more famous outlaws, he being the Sundance Kid and the parking lots being called Sundance Square.

  6. oh yes yes it is me. the shill. the decoy . so what happened to your investigation? i bet your the kinda of guy who thinks 911 was americas fault huh? all these assumptions... mmm but no real tests going to see if your right. which in your little twisted world you think your doing some kind of good deed huh? get a real job.
