Monday, January 18, 2010

Riding Horses In Texas With The Scrabble Queen Of Washington

That is Miss KPF being a cowgirl. I had myself a great time riding horses with Miss KPF, when she visited Texas.

Wait, that may have happened only in a dream. I confuse dreams with reality with alarming frequency.

Miss KPF would make an excellent Texan, as you can tell from the picture, what with her properly wearing a cowboy hat while straddling a horse with authority.

Miss KPF is like a Texan in other ways. Like she's married to this high powered business tycoon who is called J.R.

Okay, I've run out of what Miss KPF has in common with Texans. The reason I'm talking about Miss KPF is I realized something yesterday, that being the she has caused me to be able to spew verbiage at a faster rate. And she has caused an increase in typos.

How can this be, you ask? Well, about a year ago I was curious to see what the fuss about Facebook was all about. To do so I had to create an account. As part of the account set up I was shown names. I thought I was supposed to click on names I recognized. One of them was Miss KPF. I did not realize that clicking on a name sent out a "Friend Request."

Miss KPF sent a message back to me saying "I don't think I know you, we weren't at B-E at the same time." See, I'd not entered accurate info, for the most part. I entered my high school correctly, but not the years I went there. What remains a mystery to me, to this day, is how did Facebook come up with all these names I recognized when I had myself going to that school 10 years later? It's perplexing.

After Miss KPF went through pretty much every name in our class she finally figured out who Durango Jones was. Soon after that Miss KPF started me in on playing Scrabble. At that time I did not realize she was the Scrabble Queen of Washington. Taking pity on me, she has let me win a couple times.

Now, at first I didn't like Scrabble all that much. I had trouble coming up with words. Then one day it sort of clicked. You have to see patterns where you can spell multiple words, that's where the big points come from.

And I'm constantly trying out weird letter combos in the hope that it's a word.

And that is where the increase in typos comes from, I think. I'll type oar when I mean oaf. I'll type boob when I mean boon. I'll type done when I mean down.

Sometimes the typo will still have the sentence sort of making sense. But usually not. I catch most of them before I hit the 'publish' button. But quite a few don't get found til later.

The other thing that I think has happened due to Scrabbling, is I think it exercises the part of my brain that fires the synapses that puts word strings together. I've always been able to pretty easily spew stream of consciousness verbiage. In the past year I've noticed this has changed, as in sometimes I have no clue where a sentence or paragraph is going to go when I start in typing. I just let my fingers fly on the keyboard and check if it makes sense after the fingers quit flying.

That also may be contributing to the typos, as in typing too fast.

Usually I Scrabble while I eat breakfast. This gets my synapses all fired up, with an additional firing up due to coffee. A morning like this morning makes evident to me that I've developed some sort of dependence addiction to Scrabble and it firing up my brain, because this morning there was no Scrabble, because Miss KPF and J.R. are down in Portland.

I won't return to full function til I get Scrabbled. Miss KPF may Scrabble from Portland. She's managed to Scrabble from all sorts of locations, Hawaii, Canada, Seattle, Ocean Shores, Tri-Cities, Leavenworth, Pullman, American Falls, Idaho, I forget where else. Miss KPF is constantly on the move.

So, there's a good chance I'll get a note telling me it's my turn to Scrabble. Maybe I should look for a backup stimulator for when I have Scrabble withdrawal.

1 comment:

  1. You are a Facebook newbie. It can be addictive. Check Out

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