Friday, January 29, 2010

Japanese Sneak Attacks On My Blog

Every day, sometimes dozens of times a day, I get gibberish comments to my blogs. From Japan. When I get the email telling me there is a comment I need to moderate, the "From" part of the email is always a string of question marks. As in "????????".

Is anyone else being plagued by these "comments?"

There has also been a recent rash of comments along the line of, "I enjoy what you say, it help me with my school work. I please to tell others." Or, "Interesting blog. Great topic. You need to add more pictures."

I know of some bloggers who do not moderate their comments. So, why are they not getting these type comments?

Can anyone reading this read Japanese? Is that Japanese being written in the comment?


  1. Maybe you don't have the necessary font installed to properly display the letter and Windows is throwing up place holders in place of the missing font. Unless you can read Japanese though, the end result will remain the same.

  2. Hey! I get those broken English ones as well, and then those anon that more pics, do more blogs like this...I like this. One which was really weird, "This did not affect me."

  3. Twister & CT2----
    Thank you for your valuable input. I greatly value you and will long consider the words you have shared with me. Next time it would be helpful if you included pictures.

  4. I don't know how to include pictures. Is it because I'm a blonde?

  5. CT2---
    I lack sufficient data to determine if this malady is being blonde related.

  6. Hey Durango,
    I just wanted to let you know that I do not moderate my comments and I have gotten these Japanese comments before also. Most recently one had the word SEX, in the middle of it. So my friend Theresa thought it was porn. I deleted it. And just wanted to let you know I am nolonger 2chippys, just one chippy, Lauri@chippys. Hope you have a great weekend!!!!

  7. I'll go out on a limb probably. ;)

  8. Mister Twister...were you talking to me? And where's that lovely little picture of your monkey self? I've come to be quite attached to it, and besides, darlin', I don't like change.

  9. CT2---
    I believe Mr. T was talking to you. The reason his lovely little picture is missing is because when I clicked to publish the Mr. T comment I hit the reject button. To rectify that error I copied Mr. T's comment and attached his name to it. I deeply regret making this shameful error and hope it never happens again.

  10. Ironically, I've done that myself and it was one of your comments. Turn about is fair play. =)
