Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Am Prepared For The Incoming Blue Norther Deep Freeze In Fort Worth Texas

I had to be in Southlake today, so it seemed a good idea to make a visit to Sprouts Farmers Market.

The view you are looking at in the picture is sort of looking north.

Which means a wind from the south is blowing the flag and pointing it north.

In a few hours the direction is going to change as Texas is invaded with the coldest Arctic Deep Freeze in a decade.

My shocking introduction to how cold it can get in Texas. And an Ice Storm. Came about 2 weeks after my arrival in Texas. I'd never experienced such weather. We'd gone to the Fort Worth Stockyards to, now long gone, Riscky Rita's Mexican food lunch buffet, coatless, temperatures in the 50s. Upon exiting Riscky Rita's I was appalled to find the temperature nearing freezing, with a strong wind making it feel way colder than freezing.

The was my introduction to a Blue Norther.

When I heard on the radio today that the incoming cold was expected to be the coldest in a decade I assumed the decade old cold was that cold I just mentioned that introduced me to the volatile Texas weather 10 years ago.

Below is the forecast for Fort Worth issued at 11:21 this morning. If the predicted Freezing Rain happens, tomorrow should be interesting. I'm well stocked with goods. I can handle a 5 day siege.


  1. Dango, it isn't the end of the world! :P You know what makes the weather in Texas so much more unbearable than say, Colorado or Arizona, is the dang humidity. It makes the cold be bone-chilling and the hot be lung-stifling. If it gets to single digits that could be the coldest temps ever.

    I now understand why the scientific community is trending towards calling "global warming" "global climate change." Makes people in places like Texas less confused when warming isn't happening when really it is. Warm air displaces cold air ... herro. Ha! Here's to surviving our mini ice age! CHEERS!

  2. Jovo---
    Quit confusing me with your science talk. There's no warm air displacing cold air where I am. I miss my warm air.

  3. My science talk Dango? Hahaha. And I meant, you know, like warm air from somewhere else displacing cold air southward towards us. Listen, I like the cold, but I'm suffering with you--there's a limit to my cold tolerance. Plus, we live in Texas, it'll be warm again in like a month. But now comes the ice storms and such. Hmmmm. You should go to Port A. Much warmer and the ocean temps are prolly great for your swading.

  4. Yeah, Jovo, your science talk. I figure you're an engineer of some sort, posing as a youthful goofball on the Internet.

  5. Well, you sir, are a good guesser. I am, in fact, a youthful goofball. :D And engineering is one of my 3 slightly similar degrees that I'll have when I graduate in August. Biomedical engineering to be precise. So I guess I AM a scientific talker, haha!

    By the way, this 10-degree wind chill business is not enjoyable anymore.
