Friday, January 15, 2010

The Fort Worth Stock Show & All Western Parade

No, that is not the cavalry coming to the rescue to fight off the evil corporation that calls itself Chesapeake Energy, acting in cahoots with the corrupt city government of Fort Worth to terrorize and intimidate citizens who refuse to easily give up their property rights.

No, those guys on horses are riding in the world's biggest non-mechanized parade, that being the Fort Worth Stock Show's "All Western Parade" which is scheduled to start tomorrow, January 16, at 11am.

Around 100,000 people will likely show up to watch the parade. If I remember right, and I easily might not be remembering right, the parade was cancelled last year due to really bad weather. It appears, if the forecast for tomorrow holds, there should be no weather-related cancellation of tomorrow's parade.

There are a few things, well a couple, in Fort Worth that are among the best I've ever seen, anywhere. One of those things is the Stock Show Parade. It is really good. I've been to it twice. The only thing that vexes me about it is vehicles are not cleared from being parked along the parade route. I'd never seen a parade where vehicles were in the parking places along the road of a parade route.

Another thing that takes place in Fort Worth that is one of the best of its sort that I've ever seen is the Main Street Arts Festival.

The Stock Show Parade always takes place the first Saturday of the Fort Worth Stock Show. This year's Stock Show starts today, January 15 and runs through February 7.

1 comment:

  1. Hi-

    Glad you share an appreciation with a great parade. I had the pleasure of being in it! Did you happen to get any pics. of the HSU 6 White Horses?? We carried the 6 flags that have flown over Texas. Maybe a long shot, but would love to see them if you did...

