Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Big Chill Is Coming To North Texas

It really perplexes me that there are Global Warming Skeptics. Why, here in Texas we are having the most balmy winter since I arrived in this sun kissed state.

No. That's not right. I'm having a bit of a brain freeze problem due to the constant chill I'm trying to survive. The reality is, barely 16 days into winter, this is the worst, coldest winter since I moved to Texas.

And it is about to get worse. By Friday the low is predicted to be 13.

This morning Miss Puerto Rico called me to tell me she is booking a shuttle to the airport next week, due to the forecast being extreme cold and ice, with me being unreliable to make an airport delivery, due to me not operating an ice storm friendly vehicle.

I'm not all that unpleased with that turn of events. I do not much enjoy running airport deliveries. It always seems to turn into an aggravation.

I may be a bit incommunicado in coming days due to weather related woes. I'll likely survive.


  1. Fortunately for yourself you have a hot tub at your disposal. Nothing like a long soak in a hot tub to cure what ails you.

  2. Maybe you should move your bro-date to the hot tub instead...

  3. CT2----
    I do not hot tub on a first bro-date.

  4. CT2---
    I am not old-fashioned. I am just a good boy with high moral standards who does not hot tub on his first bro-date.
