Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back In The Pool In The Deep South & Simpatico With The High North

I was back in the pool this morning for the first time since New Years Day. I'm feeling the best I've felt all year, this morning, I think in large part due to the salubrious dip in refreshing cold water.

One of my favorite Field Operatives, she's known as Miss CVB of Sedro Woolley, Washington, sends me some amusing and educational items, quite regularly.

People here in the Deep South (my location in North Texas is the Deep South to those in the High North) find it unfathomable that anyone would get themselves wet in outdoor water during anytime outside a narrow window of opportunity that runs from sometime in May through early September.

Meanwhile those of us from the Great White North pretty much go swimming all year long.

Below is a YouTube video of some Canadian Yankees doing some winter swimming...

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