Friday, January 8, 2010

The 2010 Cold Orwellian World Of Fort Worth Texas

Incoming info and borderline threats are turning borderline Orwellian this morning in extremely cold Fort Worth, Texas.

I am living in 2010, but here in Fort Worth it feels like 1984, where the Minister of Propaganda spews out any manner of disinformation, with the vast majority of the population accepting the disinformation without question.

Well, I know I am in a tiny minority and this morning I am setting out in the extreme cold to do myself some investigating about that disinformation. I am going armed.

With a camera. Wish me luck.


  1. Did Big Brother watch you write this? You did hide behind a screen, right?

  2. CT2---
    My compound is supposedly safe from Big Brother. I regularly get swept for bugs. That is what I mean when I say the cockroach exterminator has been here today. I am also behind semi-well fortified security gate.

  3. I can't wait to see what you learned.
