Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unidentified Flying Objects On The Trinity River In Fort Worth

That's a herd of unidentified flying objects taking a rest on a big block of cement sitting in the Trinity River near Gateway Park today around noon.

I was more curious about how the big block of cement got there than I was about what brand of birds were sitting on it.

It was below freezing when I got up this morning. I was sort of out of sorts all day yesterday due to the absence of doing anything remotely aerobic, so this morning, despite it being 31 degrees out there, I got in the pool. And then I got out of the pool and into the hot tub.

The hot tub was way too hot with way too much steam fogging up the place due to the freeze. I got out of the hot tub and back in the pool. That traumatizing desensitizing method works well. I stayed in the pool for about 5 minutes before I feared some sort of cardiac arrest type event might occur.

I was way under dressed for the walk at Gateway Park. It was windy with the wind blowing right through my 2 shirt layers. I walked across the bridge that leads to the Trinity Trails to see if the Barnett Shale gas driller water stealing damage to the Trinity River levee has been fixed.

Still damaged. Actually looks worse.

Speaking of Barnett Shale gas driller damage, I took I-30 to the Beach Street exit to Gateway Park. About a quarter mile from the exit I saw 2 Chesapeake Energy pickups on the strip of land between the freeway and the Trinity River.

Were they checking where the replacement for the Carter Avenue pipeline is going? How do you get permission to go driving in a location like that?

1 comment:

  1. When it rains/floods, HUGE hunks of concrete and bedrock are carried through the creeks and rivers like pieces of paper. It's unbelievable actually. I'll try to remember to take before and after pics next time.
