Monday, December 14, 2009

The Sunday View From Miss Puerto Rico's & Swimming With Hot Jalapeno Avocado Soup

That is the Sunday afternoon, at 4, view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony yesterday. I had not looked at this view in daylight for several weeks. During that time the lush greenery I see in summer has turned brown and many of the trees have gone bald.

Yesterday was warm enough to be back in shorts and t-shirt. This respite from the cold will be short-lived, if the forecast is to be believed.

Even though yesterday was the first summer-like day in weeks I did not do anything to enjoy it besides an icy early morning attempt at swimming.

I was stuck dealing with one of my so-called "clients." A senile sort who wanted Wordpress installed on his website, but who had communicative problems regarding exactly what he wanted. Eventually this was all sorted out by about 2 in the afternoon.

While this was going on I made Avocado Soup. I sort of followed a recipe. And then thought adding diced jalapenos that I found in the freezer was a good idea. Well, apparently these were ultra-hot jalapenos.

Butter fat helps cuts the burn of a hot pepper. So, I then added some butter to the Avocado Soup. That helped a little. Then I added some Parmesan. That helped a little more. By the time I was done reducing the sting of the jalapenos you really could not taste the Avocados very much. But they made the soup very green.

And in the end the Avocado Soup tasted good. I had 3 bowls before heading over to Miss Puerto Rico's.

It is 53 out there, this Monday morning at 6:30. The water should have warmed up enough to make for a semi-pleasant swim this morning. I hope.


  1. I love hot spicy foods. Today, Mr. Rivera, our math teacher at TYC, brought some spicy red enchiladas he cooked over the weekend. They were scrumptious and quite mouth watering hot!

  2. CT2---You've got me thinking I want to make enchiladas.
