Monday, December 7, 2009

North Texas Shaken By Another Earthquake

The earth moved unexpectedly, again, in formerly earthquake-free North Texas, on Friday, about a half hour before midnight.

The latest North Texas earthly rocking and rolling was epicentered in the town of Mountain Creek in Ellis County.

This was a 2.8 magnitude quake, felt as far as Fort Worth, 54 miles from the epicenter.

I was in Fort Worth at a half hour before midnight on Friday and I did not feel the earth move that night.

Cleburne is still trying to figure out why that town was hit with numerous quakes this year.

Meanwhile Barnett Shale natural gas drillers continue to poke holes in North Texas, followed by squirting a watery chemical stew into the holes which causes the fracturing of a layer of the earth above the molten lava zone.

I don't see how any reasonable person could possibly think there might be a connection between fracturing a layer of the earth's crust and the earth starting to quake a bit where previously no quaking took place. The quakes must be being caused by something else. The increase in the number of obese Texans perhaps?


  1. Dadgummit, with all this cold rainy weather and sporadic earthquakes, I'm starting to think that I've been transported to Washington state. Your pal--BillyHill

  2. The people in Texas may not know it but we in Kenya have known about the prophesied earthquakes in Texas and Malawi first given in October 2006 at Moi University and last given on 2nd Nov. 2009 at Nakuru by the prophet of the LORD Dr. Edward Owour.

    He also prophesied Katrina and the Asian tsunami and the recent earthquake in the Dominican and the pacific earthquakes that hit Samoa.

    Search You-tube for Dr. Owuor at Maturin, Venezuela and you can watch the prophecy.

    See for more details of the end-time events prophesied Christ himself in Mathew 24 and Luke 21. These things are now happening. The black horse of Rev. 6 was prophesied for release on 23/24th August 2008 at Nakuru. Within weeks, the global economic crisis and global famine hit the world till now.

    Even the pale horse has been prophesied. The rapture of the church of Christ could occur at any time.

    These things are happening in fulfillment of scripture and so that you may believe and run to the LORD.

    Texas has been famous worldwide for producing some of the greatest preacher. Don't miss the rapture Texas. Just because the message comes from a small African country do not deride it. It is the voice of Jehovah who speaks to you. The same Jehovah who cause a son of a Kenyan to rule the greatest nation on earth.

    For live messages on the end-time countdown, listen to the only radio in the world that carries this message at:

    May the LORD bless you. May His love overflow in your life.

