Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Sweetwater Texas Rattlesnake Roundup Video Has Been Banned By Some Countries

This morning a comment to my YouTube video of the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup caused me to go to my YouTube account. There I was surprised, first off, to see there have been 100 comments about this video. I read the comments when they come in, but I had no idea they had added up to that high a number.

The second thing to surprise me was to see that there was a copyright dispute regarding the audio soundtrack. I believe I used a Strauss piece of music. He's long dead. Can his music be copyrighted?

The third thing to surprise me was to see that the video has been banned in some countries.

The comments the video generates range from reasonably explaining why rattlesnake roundups should be banned, to totally angry about killing the snakes, to totally angry at the people who think the practice should be banned.

Today's comment seemed both reasonable and angry...

These people are undignified, mentally unstable, pathetic excuses for human beings reveling in animal cruelty at its worst. Roundups need to stop; they are nothing more than disturbing massacres of uniquely beautiful and ecologically indispensable creatures. A twisted delight for twisted people. There is no argument about it. However, the narrow minded people who indulge in these disgraceful activities will either try to argue in their defense, or simply carry on like mindless savages.

Below is the YouTube video that is banned in some countries.

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