Friday, December 18, 2009

My Japanese Commenting Stalker

Is anyone else getting a strange blogging comment that looks like a bunch of gibberish code? I've been getting these for months now to my various blogs. Every once in awhile the comment will contain a few letters, like one of them today had an email address, that has shown these comments to be Japanese, as in the email address today was

This Japanese Annoyance is not the only blog commenting annoyance. Over and over again I get the same one trying to make me rich. The unwanted blog comments are pretty much like the spam I get in email, except for this thing from Japan.

Just like in email a lot of the spam blog comments are concerned with some of my personal performance issues, with a lot of offers of help in being a more pleasing partner by improving some of my apparent inadequacies.

I know some bloggers who do not have comment moderation turned on. Do they not get these spam type comments? Anyway, this Japan thing is very perplexing.


  1. That chippy! I thought all his spam was for me.

  2. Mine are in French...something about cialis? or maybe it was viagra?

  3. CT2---
    Use Cialis. It works a lot better than Viagra.

  4. So, Mr. Durango, would this recommendation be from personal experience or from just what you've read?

  5. CT2---
    As well know, I am pretty much useless without chemical intervention.
