Friday, December 4, 2009

Hot Eggplant On A Freezing Texas Day

Today, apparently, eggplants are my world. You are looking at the finished result of the uncooked version I showed you earlier today.

I have now consumed the finished result. While this eggplant cooking was not a massive failure like my first attempt, years ago, I don't know if I see some nice purple eggplants tomorrow that I'll be buying them.

Then again, it was pretty tasty. But, then again, again, I've always said you can pretty much make anything taste good with Parmesan, butter and bacon. This had no butter or bacon, but it did have big slices of melted Parmesan.

I'm thinking maybe making this again and adding bacon and butter might turn the eggplant into a really tasty thing.

I did not venture to the pool this morning. Can you tell I'm being cranky? I did not feel like putting on several layers and going for a walk in the near freezing temperatures. So, I went to Wal-Mart and loaded up a cart and pushed it around for 45 minutes.

Gar the Texan has been pouting on my blog today. That boy is way too needy.

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