Friday, December 18, 2009

A Giant New Barnett Shale Gas Drilling Rig Hovers Over Veterans Park In Arlington

I had to go to Arlington today. Since I had to be in Arlington I thought I'd take a walk in Veterans Park.

I was a little rattled before I turned right, off Arkansas Lane, on to Spanish Trail to see a lot of police cars, fire trucks, emergency vehicles and an awful lot of flashing lights on Arkansas Lane. With a Road Closed Sign.

I took a picture but it did not do justice to the scene.

So, I was a little distracted when I turned off Spanish Trail, on to the Veterans Park parking lot. So, I did not notice what I could not help but notice a few minutes later when I was startled to suddenly see a giant gas drilling operation fill up the horizon.

The drilling rig looked as if it was coming right out of the apartment complex across Spanish Trail from Veterans Park. I felt compelled to check it out.

I walked to the back of the apartment complex, taking pictures. The drilling rig was being very noisy, much noisier than my nearby one was when it was at this stage. But, I never got this close to my nearby rig.

A tall sound barrier, well, I assume it's a sound barrier, surrounds the drilling pad.

After I got as close as I could get I was pretty much 100% certain this drilling operation was not 800 feet from the apartments. It appeared closer to 100 feet than 800.

As I walked back towards the road I overheard a nice lady in a VW Bug ask a fellow apartment dweller if he was liking all the noise.

So, I butted into the conversation. The nice lady and gentleman told me their apartments faced the drilling rig. She said she was having trouble sleeping, that her building shook from the drilling, that the constant noise went on non-stop all day and night. Both were quite unhappy with their new neighbor.

The nice lady was very perplexed as to what could be done. I told her there were a lot of people fighting against the gas drillers. The gentleman had worked in the oil industry, so he knew how that business worked. The nice lady did not like it when I told her it gets worse, that next comes the fracking, with noisy trucks bringing in chemical laden water and a lot of dust.

The gentleman then mentioned the benzene. I mentioned the town of DISH. The nice lady didn't know there was an awful lot of very upset people who's lives have been made miserable by the out of control gas drilling industry.

I asked if they knew how close the drilling operation was to their apartments. The gentleman told me it was 40 yards.

That is 120 feet. Are the distance rules different in Arlington from Fort Worth?

What I truly do not get is how is any business for any reason is allowed to disturb a neighborhood's peace and quiet 24 hours a day, non-stop? If a private citizen did such a thing they'd be made to stop.

I'm really not against the drilling into the Barnett Shale. What I'm against is the way it's being done, the unregulated nature of it, the natural gas industry's disdain for the public's pollution concerns. Drilling 120 feet from where dozens of people reside is wrong in so many ways.

And like the nice lady said to me, "How can they do this without letting you know? Without public meetings? Who do we complain too?

I had no answers, because the really sad thing is, the government in Texas, at whatever level, really does not seem to look out for its citizens like it should. It should be a scandal. But it's not. Why? I don't know. It perplexes me.

And I have no idea which of the gas drilling culprits is committing the Veterans Park Dirty Deed. The name is usually prominently featured on the rig. But this rig was Anonymous.


TXsharon said...

Did you take those pictures? I know some environmental types who might like to use them.

Durango said...

Yes, TXsharon, I took those pictures. I have the original, full-size versions, if that is of use. I think I took about 15 pictures of that bizarre drilling operation.

Anonymous said...

I am the "nice lady's" Daughter. Thank you for mentioning this in your blog. I hope that enough people complain so that something can be done. It is so sad to me that a nice neighborhood is darkened by this horrendous sight and now we have the worry of hazardous chemicals in our air. It is all about money and politics. What a shame.


Durango said...

Howdy "Nice Lady's" Daughter, Lynda. Were you one of the passengers in the VW Bug?

Regarding the Gas Drilling and their rather dubious practices, there is a Gathering Storm that likely will fix a lot of what's gone wrong. I hope.

Before you get to the hazardous chemicals part you're going to be enjoying a lot of big trucks delivering a lot of chemical enhanced water that will be injected into the well. After that takes place is when your well may start releasing some bad stuff, like Benzene, in to the air you breathe.

I am still trying to find out why this was allowed so close to those apartments. I thought it was supposed to be 800 feet.

But, I've got to remember, Arlington leads America in allowing their citizens to be abused, what with having the most outrageous abuse of eminent domain in American history with how the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium was built.

TXsharon said...

If you send me those shots with something saying you give permission to use them, date and location, they might turn up in some environmental publication or, at least, a PowerPoint presentation.

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

Durango, You and TXsharon both have me gushing with pride! I love you both, and how you two get the word out there for all of us to see! I wish you both a very happy ending to 2009 and hope to see a whole bunch of y'all in the new year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Durango...Lynda the "nice lady's daughter" again. Yes, I was a passenger in the VW...
My Mom, the nice lady has already started to have allergy problems and her apartments smells of chemicals. My daughter went to visit today and after 10 minutes, had a sore throat and runny nose and complained that my Mom's apartment smelled of chemicals. It then hit me that my Mom's recent severe allergy problems and asthma as well as headaches could well be caused by the chemicals being released from the gas drilling at the tower sitting so close to her apartment. I then called the EPA who said I needed to call the Texas Railroad commission. I am now awaiting a call from an atty. from the railroad commission. If nothing else, I am hoping that the property will be forced to allow her out of her lease which expires in April because with her health problems, she cannot stay there.

Durango said...

That is terrible. They must be at the fraccing part of the process. You can complain to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. They are supposed to be the state agency overseeing this bad stuff. But, the TCEQ is widely believed to be corrupt with industry people part of the Commission.

Your mom can easily get out of her lease. The living conditions have been greatly altered from what she agreed to when signing the lease. You can't be forced to remain in a place that is making you sick. Not even in Texas.

MYtoeSPACEpillow said...

Was there resolution to this? I had th firedept out at my house last night for some strange sweet odor.

Unknown said...

If you would like to see the aftermath of this horrific well...check out "Paradise Deminished Arlington, Tx". You can find it on the search engine BING by searching Fracing in Arlington Tx. I ran across it trying to find out why my yard is bubbling and burping when I drain my kids swimming pool.