Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Fosdic Lake Dam Vision

You are looking at Fosdic Lake Dam, with trees growing out of it, in Oakland Lake Park in East Fort Worth in a picture taken yesterday.

As I walked across Fosdic Lake Dam yesterday I had a vision that I've decided to call The Fosdic Lake Vision.

Currently swimming and boating is forbidden in Fosdic Lake. And the fish you catch might be dangerous to eat.

The Fosdic Lake Vision fixes that. And other problems.

The City of Fort Worth is closing all its public swimming pools, but one. Leaving Fort Worth's kids with few swimming options. The Fort Worth official in charge of the pools suggested Fort Worth's kids could have their water fun at Arlington's Hurricane Harbor. Trouble is, there is no public transportation to take Fort Worth's kids to Arlington to pay $30 to get into Hurricane Harbor.

The Fort Worth city official's attitude struck me as very Marie Antoinette-ish of the "Let them eat cake" sort.

Currently Fort Worth is being subjected to a nearly $1 billion boondoggle called the Trinity River Vision. In this blurred vision Fort Worth gets an unneeded flood control diversion channel and a little lake. The vision used to include 3 fancy bridges and some canals, but those went away as the price climbed.

The Fosdic Lake Vision envisions draining Fosdic Lake, cleaning up the lake bed, installing filtration systems on the incoming Fosdic Lake water sources, installing aerating fountains in the lake, building sandy beaches around the lake, installing several docks on the lake and building restroom facilities.

I estimate Fosdic Lake could be turned into a safe, clean lake to swim and fish in for a small fraction of what the Trinity River Vision will cost. Plus, Fosdic Lake is already served by Fort Worth's public bus system. Kids from all over town could easily make their way to Fosdic Lake.

I don't think there should be a fee charged to swim in public Fosdic Lake. This is the sort of amenity most big cities provide their citizens, because it's the type thing that helps make a big city livable and its people happy and its kids out of trouble and having fun.

The other big city with which I am most familiar, Seattle, has several lakes where people can swim in for free. Like Green Lake, where you can swim, paddle a boat and fish. Fosdic Lake could be like a little version of Seattle's Green Lake.

I'm thinking just a fraction of the energy going into the cloudy Trinity River Vision could clearly make The Fosdic Lake Vision happen. And, like I said, for a fraction of the cost.

1 comment:

  1. The Fosdic Lake vision might fly if your mama was Kay Granger. Of if your project was on Fort Worth's west side.

    East Fort Worth gets the shaft, man.
