Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fort Worth Wind Chilling At 14 Degrees

That is what 23 degrees and a Wind Chill of 14 degrees looks like looking out my window at a very cold day in Fort Worth, Texas.

At least we are a bit warmer than my old location in the state of Washington where it is 16 degrees in Mount Vernon right now. With no wind.

So, I guess it is feeling colder here in Fort Worth than it is in Mount Vernon.

I have not ventured out into the deep freeze yet today. So, yes, there are limits to my insanity, in that I have not gone swimming this morning.

I did not hear from the Mad Texas Grandma yesterday. I've not yet learned who authorized A-AArlington to remove more than 50 vehicles from the Dallas Cowboy Stadium Wal-Mart on October 21.

I have heard from a Fort Worth, I believe, TCU student, named Ryan Cormier, via Twitter, that A-AArlington towed his car. I'll copy Ryan's Twitter Tweet....

"@RyanJCormier @DurangoTexas That place is the worst! They have towed my car before in Fort Worth!"

In Twitter world having an @ in front of name turns the name into a link to that particular Twitter account.

Microsoft has just installed yet one more round of updates to my computer, fixing yet more security problems that might allow some evil entity, like Microsoft, to take control of my computer. Now it is pestering me to restart so these important updates can take effect.

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