Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fork In The Tandy Trail & Possible Trinity River Levee Repair At Gateway Park In Fort Worth

You're looking at a fork in the trail, today, hiking the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area. At this particular fork in the trail both choices go downhill.

Sort of a perfect metaphor for how I'm feeling right about now.

All color has pretty much left the Tandy Hills, also pretty much a metaphor for how I'm feeling right about now.

It is only 4 days til Winter arrives and the daylight hours start getting longer again.

I have only one more website to get moved from my old web host that was constantly getting my websites hacked. I have 10 days to get that done. It would have been done 2 months ago but the owner of the website is having trouble getting pertinent password records. It's very annoying.

The air today was very clear, it somehow made the hills seem, I don't know, more hilly. And I could see way into the distance. In Pacific Northwest terms, Mount Rainier would have been visible today. Sadly, no matter how clear it is here Texas, no matter where you look, in any direction, you are not going to see a mountain from my location.

After I was done rejuvenating myself on the Tandy Hills, I went to Town Talk. On the way there I saw something interesting going on on the Trinity River Levee by Gateway Park, where a gas driller had rutted up the levee with a water sucking pipeline operation.

I was in a hurry, so I did not take the time to walk up and see exactly what the piece of machinery was doing. I zoomed in as far as I could with my camera and took pictures. I am guessing the rutted area is being smoothed over, with grass seed sprinkled on the damaged area.

I'll check it out up close tomorrow.

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