Monday, December 7, 2009

Foggy Fosdic Lake In Fort Worth With Swirling Flocks Of Ducks

I went to Oakland Lake Park at noon to walk around Fosdic Lake. As I walked the temperature seemed to drop, and then a light drizzle. By the time I was back driving a thick, dense fog had settled in. I got back here to see the temperature had dropped. It was 41 when I left. 37 now.

Texas weather is so different than what I grew up knowing in Washington.

Does anyone know why ducks flock together and move in a circle when it's cold? In the picture you see 2 flocks of circling ducks. There were two additional flocks of circlers to the right.

Apparently 'circlers' is not a word because it just got flagged red, indicating it's a misspelling. Well, I think it should be a word, so I'm leaving it alone.

In the second picture you are looking north on Bridge Street. When Bridge Street crosses the 820 freeway it becomes John T. White Street. I don't know why they change street names like that here in Texas. It's confusing.

You can see it's quite dark here at 1pm, headlights on, low visibility. I imagine this fog is causing some problems at the airport.

Buzzer is buzzing. That means sweet potatoes have been turned into baked sweet potatoes fries for lunch, to go along with turkey kielbasa and tomato salad. You are going to need to be here in 10 minutes, or so, if you want lunch.

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