Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chesapeake Energy Continues With Its Eminent Domain Attack On Fort Worth Citizen's Property

The Star Telegraph, that being the Fort Worth area blog that often prints news you can't seem to find in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, in a blogging today, says that Chesapeake Energy is still taking the one remaining Carter Avenue holdout to court, this coming Friday.

High pressure tactics were used by minions of Chesapeake Energy to convince Carter Avenue citizens to sign away their property rights so that Chesapeake Energy could install a pipeline running under their homes, carrying non-odorized natural gas.

In cahoots with the City of Fort Worth's corrupt city government, with an ethically challenged, conflicts of interest laden, energy industry installed puppet mayor named Mike Moncrief, eminent domain was threatened to be used against those who resisted the Carter Avenue pipeline.

A few weeks ago, after a long time of saying there were no options for the pipeline except for Carter Avenue, Chesapeake Energy discovered the pipeline could be run in a different location, under no homes, along side Interstate 30.

So, why is Chesapeake Energy continuing with its eminent domain attack on this particular Carter Avenue American? I thought that battle was won with the good guys winning?

The Star Telegraph says the lone holdout asked for legal representation, you know, counsel like that afforded criminals. But, apparently there is no mechanism to provide legal counsel to someone who is a victim of a corrupt city government and an overbearing, rights and decency be damned company like Chesapeake Energy, run by a should be in jail thief named Aubrey McClendon.

Have the Oklahoma City Supersonics won any games this season? I've not paid any attention. Are the players and their families still being disgruntled over being yanked out of Seattle?

Someone famous, I think it's that guy who's birthday we'll be celebrating in about 8 days, supposedly said, "That which you do to the least among us, you do unto me."

Someone else once said something like, "Chesapeake Energy used eminent domain to take property in another county, and I said nothing, then Chesapeake Energy used eminent domain to take property in a city different than mine, and I said nothing, then Chesapeake Energy used eminent domain to take property in my city, and I still said nothing, and then Chesapeake Energy used eminent domain to take my property, and no one said anything and I wondered why?"

Well, it'd be a real good thing if a few thousand Americans decided to say something on Friday, down at the courthouse in downtown Fort Worth, at 100 E. Weatherford Street. Court proceedings begin at 8:30am in Judge Vince Sprinkle's courtroom.


  1. Very well said, Durango Texan. We need a special unit of Home+Land Security to catch these domestic terrorists. Such heartless greed and lack of moral bearing in our midst (even "running" our government/s) pose a much bigger threat to our nation's health and survival than the hatred of a million enemies across the oceans.

  2. Who is this Aubrey McClendon? And you mean my last weekend celebration for the residents of Carter Ave was in vain? That there's a possibility that on Friday that there judge could award Chesapeake their heart's desire and a pipeline will go on...under Carter Ave like they planned the whole time? I'm appalled, please tell me I've had a blonde moment and that none of this is true...there's no place like home.

  3. CT2----
    Aubrey McClendon is the CEO of Chesapeake Energy. He also bought the Seattle Supersonics with a swindle of lies and move the team to Oklahoma City. The Sonic's families were not happy with the idea of moving from Seattle, so many of the team's families stayed in Seattle. The team was not a happy team in OKC and so had one of the most losing seasons in NBA history. I don't know how they are doing this year.

    As for Carter Avenue, I don't know why Chesapeake is still after the one holdout.

  4. The simple answer is that they are being true to themselves--dirty snakes that cannot be trusted. If they can forceibly take this man's property (wonder why they can't up to now?), then they will have "the law" on their side. They can simply turn around and say "Hey, we paid for and own these easements and we'll do whatever we please." Another major motivation, and possibly most important of all, is the fact that CHK-City had been embarrassed big time by this man and the people. Just like many fascist rulers and petty dictators, they don't want to let the people (and history)catch on the idea that the little people standing for what's right and decent CAN ACTUALLY WIN despite all the disadvantages. To allow this victory to stand is to watch people emboldened and rise up to take their city/government back. Maybe, that's why the flags were yanked out so quickly a few weeks back. Incite too much passion
