Monday, December 28, 2009

Attacks Of The Mad Fort Worth Fosdic Lake Ducks & Texas Blizzard Deniers

I did not think the Tandy Hills would be available for my noontime daily constitutional due to the remains of our Christmas Eve unpleasantness still not fully melted.

Speaking of our Christmas Eve unpleasantness, just this morning Miss CVB of Sedro Woolley, Washington had the raw gall to tell me that that raging blizzard the blew for 7 hours on Thursday was nothing but a light snow flurry.

So, it was back to the site of the Fosdic Lake Dam Vision to do some more imagineering.

Those really are some happy ducks that float on top of Fosdic Lake. Today they were in full loud quack mode. Practically every time I'm at Fosdic Lake there is someone throwing bread or other duck food at the birds.

The Fosdic Ducks are so used to being given food they have developed quite an attitude of entitlement. If you stand at the shoreline taking a picture, for instance, a herd of the little beasts will make a beeline for you and when you don't deliver the goods they keep on coming, as if chasing you is going to free up something to eat. It has been quite unsettling on more than one occasion.

After I was done communing with nature I headed to Town Talk. I found no good stuff today. Got big containers of cinnamon and black pepper. That's all. My favorite Town Talk checker's line was open. Previously she'd lamented regarding the upcoming Christmas.

So, I asked her how Christmas went. "Christmas was fine," she said, "but Christmas Eve was a nightmare."

"Why?" I asked.

"The blizzard," she said.

I told her I'd been informed that the blizzard was a light snow flurry.

"Well, that light snow flurry took me an hour and a half to go what should have taken 20 minutes," said she, quite testily.

The nerve of some people. Suggesting that the historic Texas Christmas Eve Blizzard of 09 was nothing but a little snow flurry. I tell you, those people from Washington can be so uncouth. Makes me glad I'm a Texan.

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