Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Anonymous Information About A-AArlington & The Dallas Cowboy Stadium Wal-Mart Towing Scandal

The most frequent commenter to this blog, the ubiquitous Anonymous commented to the blogging preceding this current one with the cryptic "More info can be found here."

I was seeking the answer to the question how did it come to pass that an Arlington towing company, calling itself A-AArlington, with words attached after the A-AArlington part that seem to vary each time I find a new mention of A-AArlington. How did A-AArlington know that over 50 vehicles were there for the plucking on the Dallas Cowboy Stadium Wal-Mart parking lot the night of October 21?

The co-manager of the Stadium Wal-Mart claims Wal-Mart has no contract with A-AArlington.

A towing company must have a relationship with a business in order to tow vehicles off the parking lot of a business.

So, what did Anonymous send me you're wondering? Well, it was a link to a State of Texas website that has something to do with recording business information, like if a business is certified properly, I think. I really did not understand what this all meant.

One part said "This Certification Not Sufficient for Filings with Secretary of State." That certainly sounds ominous.

One part says "Certification of Account Status."

Under that, where it says "Status:" it says in bold letters "NO STANDING, FRANCHISE RESPONSIBILITY ENDED."

This website has "Rick Merritt" as the Registered Agent. Whatever that means. I have seen the owner/officer of A-AArlington listed as Rickie W. Merritt and Ricki Merritt. And now as Rick Merritt.

I assumed Merritt was a female due to Rickie and Ricki.

On the webpage it says the SOS Registration Date is August 11, 1989. (I assume SOS means Secretary of State) That is over 20 years ago. Why does this info about A-AArlington come up on a State of Texas website over 20 years later? Where is pertinent to 2009 information about A-AArlington?

Who told A-AArlington to take those cars from the Wal-Mart parking lot October 21? Who told those taxi drivers to be there to pick up some easy marks? How did the taxis come up with the $10 fare? I thought taxi charges were regulated? Or did the taxi know that $10 was the amount that the meter would run up in the distance from the Wal-Mart to where the cars were being held hostage? The distance was a bit over a mile.

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