Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Up Since 4 Blogging Blogging Blogging Twitter Twitter Twitter

I've been up since 4. I should be cranky but I'm not. I started another blog this morning. The may be some sort of sleep deprivation mistake.

Many months ago I set up a blog that was going to focus on the Pacific Northwest. I did that after I started the Durango Roadtripping one. Well, I was not happy with the results of the Roadtripping blog, so I decided not to bother with the Northwest one.

Some time back I decided to make the blog you're reading, right now, mostly about my experience in Texas, and not mix in stuff like something about TV. So, I started up a TV blog. That one does well. But, I find it not much fun.

Over the past few weeks I started up Twitter accounts that matched the various blogs. I had a Washington Twitter thing going, so I decided to change the Pacific Northwest blog to a Durango Washington blog.

The Durango TV Twitter is very amusing. Not my part of it, that's not amusing at all. It's what some of these celebrity sorts Twitter about, that I find amusing. I wish you could see for yourself, but if I give you my TV Twitter address all you will see is my Twitterings, not the Twitterings of those I supposedly follow.

Keeping track of 4 blogs and 4 Twitter accounts is very confusing to me. I've gotten my identities mixed up a couple times.

I am going jogging today. I used to be a regular jogger. A couple weeks ago I ran into Wal-Mart during a downpour and was surprised at how easily I was able to run fast. I made that same discovery Summer of 2008 at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, and then forget about it when I got back to Texas HEAT.

I'll let you know how the jogging goes.

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