Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Texas Blahs Caused By Twitter & Barnett Shale Gas Drilling Pollution

It is a beautiful blue sky day, 72 degrees HOT, windows open, here in the little Texas burg that calls itself Fort Worth.

I should be in a good mood, all things considered. Instead I have an overarching case of the BLAHs.

I believed this case of the BLAHs was brought on by spending too much time with Twitter the past 3 days. I have been in experimenting mode with Twitter, to see if I really could make use of it.

This morning I pretty much decided, for the most part, that Twitter is useless. Or maybe my limited comprehension abilities render it impossible for me to make use of what may actually be useful about Twitter.

One of my Tarrant County co-horts is off on a secret mission this morning. I know no details, except it is a secret mission. This is not the first secret mission she has gone on. I hope it's not some sort of eco-terrorist thing. Then again, Texas could use a little eco-terrorism. There are way too many evil-doers getting away with doing dirty deeds here.

Wyatt Earp needs to come to town and bring law and order with him.

Arresting Fort Worth's Mayor Mike Moncrief would probably be a good start. I keep thinking the feds are going to arrest the man and charge him with racketeering, or whatever the proper charge is for benefiting monetarily from decisions made due to your political position. I don't see what the difference is between accepting bribes, for favors done, and having vested interests in the Barnett Shale natural gas drilling companies, giving the mayor a motivation to agree to every fool thing the gas drillers ask for.

You want the drilling distance restriction reduced? No problem. You can drill 300 feet from someone's house. You need water? No problem. Just stick a pipeline anywhere you want. You say it'd cost too much to put vapor containment equipment on the drilling sites? No problem, we can live with a little air pollution, no matter how bad study after study indicates it is. You want to run a pipeline under Fort Worth citizen's homes and pump non-odorized gas. Not a problem. We'll help you get the job done by using eminent domain, if that helps.

Maybe I am feeling BLAH due to the air that I breathe. The windows are open. I'm about 600 feet from a Barnett Shale natural gas well. It's either Twitter or the Barnett Shale that is making me BLAH. Maybe a combo of both.


  1. Sorry but this was a wasted 2 minutes read on my part.

  2. only wasted 1.5 minutes of my time, guess I read faster than anonymous.

  3. Sorry you wasting 1.5 minutes CT2. Anonymous must be a really slow reader. I suspect Chesapeake Energy shill.

  4. I just scanned so it only took me 1 minute. So there!

    Things are going to get worse before they get better. Industry knows regulation is coming so they are trying to get as many wells grandfathered in as possible.

    This post was picked up by FWIX. They used to pick up almost all my posts. In fact, I was the second most frequently picked up on the FWIX site. Then they suddenly stopped so I inquired.

    First they said it was from all the obscenity I use (huh?) so I scoured my blog and didn't find any obscenity. Again, I inquired and they said it was because my quote in my profile said, "Freedom isn't free but bullshit is cheap." I told them that was chickenshit but I removed the quote and they agreed to start picking up my posts again. (Honestly, I don't give a large rodent's rectum if they pick up my posts or not but I do want people to have the most excellent information I provide. har har)

    Still they have never again picked up any of my posts.

    I told the FWIX guy that I suspected industry influence and he said he couldn't deny that industry does have some influence.
