Friday, November 6, 2009

Stuck In The Mud With Rachel & Rescued By Kid Durango In Durango Texas

That is a car in the Texas town named after me. Durango.

A few days ago Moby Dick sent me an email asking me about Durango, Texas.

Last night Rachel sent me an email asking me if I could tell her how to contact Moby Dick, saying "I am looking for any breathing, upright (even that's negotiable) Durango, TX citizen or really anyone at all associated with this town. Found you in a google search (obviously) and as you know, information on this place is slim pickin's. I'm trying to find a kid in Durango who saved my life last week in, of course, Durango. All I got was his first name."

I then asked Rachel for details of how a Durango kid, let's call him Kid Durango, saved her life.

Rachel then directed me to her blog, where her Durango ordeal is told in 2 parts.

Short version, Rachel was taking the scenic route home to Dallas after attending a wedding in Austin at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Rachel was driving along, saw a sign indicating she was in Durango. Pulled over to look at a map. Got stuck in mud.

A mild panic ensued. Rachel called her mom and dad, seeking advice. Then Rachel's cell phone went dead. After I don't know how much time Kid Durango showed up. Driving a jeep with a wench. He pulled Rachel's Honda Civic out of the mire.

As this was happening Rachel's cell phone came back to life with a call from mom and dad. Rachel told them her current status which had mom screaming for her to get Kid Durango's license plate number. Apparently Rachel and her mom live in morbid fear of being random roadkill.

Back mobile again Rachel shouted out her profound thanks to Kid Durango and asked him what his name was. Brett was the answer. And now Rachel is seeking the full name of Kid Durango. I doubt Moby Dick is going to be any help. Both he and Rachel live in Dallas.

So, anyone from my favorite Texas town reading this who knows Brett, please help Rachel with her "What's Brett's Last Name" project. Thanks.


  1. All day long I've been wondering when someone was going to ask me this. According to Rachel, in addition to the pull-a-car-out-of-the-mud wench device there was a young female in Kid Durango's Jeep. Rachel speculated it was either a sister or girl friend. But the presence of the girl made Rachel feel as if she was likely safe from being murdered by Kid Durango. We do not have sufficient data to determine if the girl in the jeep was a wench, or not.

  2. Always glad to be of service! BTW, the gadget is a "winch".

  3. I thought wench was too good, and I was too tired to think winch. Figured wrench, yeah that's a tool, take out the 'r' to make the wrench into wench. When you can't wrench it, wench it. Makes sense to me. Still tired.

  4. Any updates on Bret, the wench...uh, err winch...?

  5. hey, thanks for your help, Durango! yeah, my thoughts didn't really jump straight to murder with Brett and his lady. Nice was the only thing on their agenda. Glad to learn it's called a wench/winch.

    Surely Durangonians are Googling their town every day, right? all 54 of them?

  6. and a tiny correction: The girl was not actually in the Jeep, but riding behind Brett on a three-wheeler. That's how she was able to direct the mud-rescue maneuvers he pulled in reverse. It was like a really wet, complicated parallel park job.
