Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pre-Dawn Fort Worth Fire Lights Up The Tandy Hills

Incoming from Don Young reporting about a house on fire very close to home and the Tandy Hills. Currently I don't think there are any suspicions that this fire was in any way caused by Barnett Shale gas drillers.....


The house next door to mine burned to the ground this morning. We noticed a very bright sunrise coming in our window when it was supposed to be dark, about 5 am. The FWFD was here in less than 3 mins.

The place has been vacant for several years and had a lot of wood in it. Burned steady since there was little wind. The FD is still here at 8:20. Arson is suspected but it could also be someone stealing copper from the electrical system that was still turned on.

My property values are dropping rapidly.


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1 comment:

  1. Mr. Young, since there's no longer a structure on the property, I bet you could scoop up that lot for next to nothing!
