Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Mom & Dad In Texas & Me Not In Phoenix

That's my mom & dad at Fair Park in Dallas, the site of the State Fair of Texas. Behind them is the Texas Star, it being the tallest ferris wheel in the Western Hemisphere. Or is it the Northern Hemisphere? I'm not sure. It's the tallest in some hemisphere, let's leave it at that.

Mom & dad were here in Texas the first week of 2009. They stayed 5 days. I could not get them out of their cowboy hats when they were here. Not even in church. Oh, just remembered, they weren't here on a Sunday. My dad is busy texting my sister in the picture. He's a real good texter.

A couple days ago one of my favorite Washington corespondents, Miss CVB, told me I need to visit my mom and dad more often.

I feel guilty that I don't. When they were here I told them I'd come to Phoenix in April, at the height, or one of the heights, of citrus season. But, that did not work out. Now it is coming up a year since I last saw them and I've still not made it to Phoenix.

I do call regularly, whenever I get gas, to tell my mom how much it costs and what the temperature is. I tell myself that is better than nothing.


  1. I rarely see my mother in person, and we only live 4 hours away from each other!!! So don't feel badly, as long as you speak to each other regularly!

    Sadly, the Texas Star is only the tallest in North America. The London Eye gets the Western Hemisphere, and I think a ferris wheel in Japan takes the world's tallest...

  2. sweet! You should really get away and go visit. I'm headed to Salt Lake pretty soon, I can pick you up and drop you off on my way.

  3. My parents aren't healthy enough to go to the Fair.

    My parents-in-law are, but they tend to prefer less crowded venues.

    Meanwhile, wikipedia says:
    The Texas Star is the largest Ferris wheel in North America. It is located at Fair Park in Dallas, Texas. It is operated during the annual State Fair of Texas. The structure has 44 gondolas that hold 264 riders. It can go 1.5 revolutions a minute with an average ride between 12–15 minutes. This is the most popular ride at the State Fair of Texas.
