Sunday, November 1, 2009

Miss Puerto Rico's Mom & A Possible Alligator

Miss Puerto Rico called me around 3 this afternoon. She wanted me to come over. She was in the midst of a family crisis due to her 84 year old mom taking a fall that broke some bones that resulted in an ambulance taking mom from Coamo to San Juan.

Mom is stabilized enough to be operated on tomorrow.

Miss PR's sister, who lives in Miami, flew to the island, soon after the fall. She is now back in Miami. Miss PR's brother, Tito, an army hero who served in Iraq and who is now stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, was flown to San Juan by the Red Cross. He got there today. He called while I was at Miss Puerto Rico's.

I stayed long enough to stabilize the situation and then escaped. On my way back here I walked by the pool and was startled to see the large reptile you see in the picture. I don't know what it is. Gator? I'm thinking more than anything temperature-wise, this reptile may cause me to re-think my morning swim habit.


  1. Definitely not a gator. Swim with confidence!

  2. Yea,but keep your swim trunk on for sure, though.

  3. No sign of the semi-gator by the pool this morning. And I kept my trunks on.

  4. Texas Spiny Lizard getting some much needed rays. I hope he didn't drink any pool water. Kinda late to be seeing one of those.

  5. DY---The poor thing was in the shade when I saw it. Don't think it could reach the pool water. I'd never seen one of those.

    Did you see the P.S. to a previous comment telling you that Earthlink was bouncing your incoming email, saying your mailbox was full?
