Saturday, November 21, 2009

Looking At Gateway Park Barnett Shale Gas Driller Damage & Litter Art

It rained last night here in North Texas. On Saturday my usual boring habit is to go hiking on the Tandy Hills. But rain renders the hills muddy.

So, I went to Gateway Park instead. On Thursday I was on Beach Street and saw the notorious Barnett Shale gas drillers water pump and pipeline was no longer sucking water from the Trinity River.

I was curious to see if the rut makers had restored the river levee to its pre-damage state.

As you can see in the picture, the mess has not been fixed. It appears heavy rain has smoothed out the ruts I showed you the last time I checked out the water pumping mess.

Many months ago I saw a similar gas drilling related water pumping mess at Village Creek. I took pictures and blogged about it. Three days later I was back and the ruts had all been smoothed over, with grass seed sprinkled over the damaged area.

Gateway Park and the Trinity Trails do not seem to have been as blessed with a responsibly acting gas driller as Village Creek Park was.

Speaking of pipelines. There is a huge pipeline that crosses the same ravine that the Gateway Park bridge crosses to get to the Trinity River Trail where I take pictures of mud. I don't know what flows in this huge pipeline. What made it interesting today was the astonishing amount of litter surrounding the pipeline and in the trees. It almost looks like an art installation.

I'm out of here in a bit and heading to Arlington to take pictures of something I saw yesterday associated with the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium. I was appalled by what I saw. But I was in a hurry yesterday and so did not stop to take pictures.

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