Monday, November 23, 2009

Jessica Simpson's Strange Smooch With Tony Romo Who Gave Dallas A Win With Last Minute Touchdown Pass

That is former newlywed, Dallas girl, Jessica Simpson, smooching her former boyfriend, Dallas Cowboy quarterback, Tony Romo.

Now that looks to me to be one disturbingly odd smooch, made more disturbing by the blue substance under Miss Simpson's nose.

Anyone have an answer to the question of what's going on here?

Thank you in advance for solving this mystery.

By the way, Tony won yesterday's game for Dallas, after being behind the Washington, I think, Redskins, 6 - 0, til the last few minutes of the game when Romo threw a touchdown pass with the extra point kick giving Dallas the win.

I am never happier than when Dallas wins a football game.


  1. Perplexing as it is it looks like fun to me... I mean that from a hetero POV.

    I don't believe that a Cowboy win makes you happier than Tandy Hills hike. You exaggerate.

  2. I think I was going for sarcasm with that Cowboy win makes me happy remark. I agree about Jessica, but without the blue blob. I'm referring to the one under above her lips, not Tony Romo.

  3. I think they were doing mouth-to- mouth rescesutation in an attempt to revive both of their careers. Not sure if that worked or not, tho.

  4. I think Tony Romo lacks the intangibles that separate good player from great. The elite quarterbacks can will their teams to victory and make a clutch played when called upon, but Tony seems to shrink when these opportunities present themselves.
