Friday, November 6, 2009

High Noon In Texas With Dr. Al Armendariz Taking On The Polluters

Good incoming from Don Young regarding yesterday's announcement that Dr. Al Armendariz has been appointed EPA Region 6 Administrator. It was Dr. Al Armendariz who got a lot of people's attention by documenting the extent to which the Barnett Shale natural gas drillers are polluting the air of North Texas.

Only on rare occasions do those of us crazy enough to fight back against Big Gas get any good news.

Today was a gusher!

Dr. Al Armendariz, a longtime clean air advocate and harsh critic of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has been appointed EPA Region 6 Administrator. Yes, you read that right.

Dr. Al may be the only man who can clean up the Dirty Ol' Towns in this Dirty Ol' State in Dirty Ol' Region 6. Think, High Noon, the 1952 movie starring, Gary Cooper. The synopsis:

"A town Marshall faces a deadly enemy but finds his own town refuses to help him."

Only this time, the bad guys are quaking in their boots and the Marshall has a well trained posse that is ready to ride. Underhanded, double-dealing Barnett Shale gas drillers and mayors are in the sights of the new Marshall and he's loaded for bear.

Take heed you heathen polluters. There's a new Marshall in town.


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