Thursday, October 8, 2009

Twittering Levi Johnston & Flying To Puerto Rico With Burning Eyes

It is yet one more gray day here in Texas. Heavy rain and flooding is anticipated.

I saw on Twitter, this morning, that Levi Johnston had done some fresh funny Tweeting about his Baby Mama's Mama again. I blogged about it on my TV Blog. This is twice now that Levi Johnston has provided me blogging fodder on my TV Blog.

Last night I went over to Miss Puerto Rico's and was able to book her a flight to the island. This was managed without incident. We had a breakthrough in that she now understands that you save a lot of money by booking a flight yourself online.

And I learned that Travelocity is really easy to use. Years ago I tried to book a flight using Travelocity, but gave up due to how laborious it was.

I went swimming this morning. It was not raining. The water has warmed up again due to us warming up into the 70s the past couple days, during the day. At night it gets down into the chilly 60s.

I have talked to several locals now who are sharing a burning eye problem along with me. It comes and goes. I am wondering if it is caused by the now widely reported, and research validated, bad air pollution we are being served courtesy of the out of control urban natural gas drilling that is cracking up this thing called the Barnett Shale underneath us and causing earthquakes and other woes in the process.

I need to find a couple thousand bucks by tomorrow. I think I'll go on a long walk and keep a sharp eye out for a lot of loose change laying on the ground.

Suddenly that does not seem like a good plan due to heavy blobs of falling wet stuff hitting the window. Why do the forces of nature always make my plans go awry? Bad planning?


  1. You could post odds and then take bets on you winning another scrabble game...

  2. I live in Texas, CT2. What you suggest is against the law.
