Monday, October 19, 2009

Princess Annie's Flowers For The Tandy Hills Hobo

I saw photo proof of the Queen of Wink and Princess Annie ziplining in New York. But I saw no photo evidence of the visit to the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

I was suspicious about the Queen of Wink's Tandy Hills story, due to the fact that I was there during the time frame of the Queen and her entourage's visit. I was on the trails the Queen was on. We should have crossed paths. I can not figure out why and how that did not happen.

Now, yes, I may have earlier indicated that I was onboard for this trip to New York and getting scared at Thrillvania. But that didn't work out.

So, until today around noon, I had no real hard evidence that the Queen of Wink had actually been walking on the Tandy Hills.

An elaborate story had been told by Princess Annie of picking flowers, while at the Tandy Hills, and putting them in a bottle she found floating by Tandy Falls. Then putting the vase of flowers at the Tandy Hills Hobo's Campsite.

If I saw a vase of flowers, this would be the physical evidence I was looking for to prove the Winkettes were not pulling some sort of Balloon Boy Hoax on me.

Well, when I got to the Hobo Camp I saw the vase, well, actually it was a whiskey bottle. There was a nice floral arrangement in the whiskey bottle. Sitting in front of the vase were 16 bits of Royal Coinage, left I assume, by Princess Annie, for the Hobo.

What a thoughtful kid. I mean princess.

It is past the middle of October and there are still flowers blooming on the Tandy Hills. Today I saw a big group of purple flowers I'd not noticed before. They were clustered around a tree by the Hobo Camp.


  1. Mr. Durango, Princess Annie only fibs a little and that's usually to avoid being in trouble.

    Staying true to blonde form, I'd left our digital camera on the kitchen table along with our toiletries. Stopped at the Target in Odessa to purchase more toiletries for the trip, but didn't pick up a new camera. :(

  2. How did you get such good pics of the Ziplining?

  3. Mrs. Connie took the pictures and then posted them on the Zipline Facebook Page.

  4. I really do like your style of keeping the flowers in a whisky bottle. It looks awesome. Keep it up the good work.
