Friday, October 16, 2009

Oprah Winfrey Comes To The Texas State Fair With Her Cowboy Hat

I really do not see all that many people wearing cowboy hats here in Texas. But, I know places I can go here and know for sure I'll see a cowboy hat. Or two.

Like the Fort Worth Stockyards. You are guaranteed of seeing cowboy hats being worn there. You'll even find more than one place where you can buy yourself a cowboy hat.

You'll also see a lot of cowboy hats if you go to the Fort Worth Stock Show. The Stock Show takes place in winter, I think in late January. It's Fort Worth's version of a state fair. It's a really big deal with one of the best parades I've ever seen, it being the world's biggest non-motorized parade.

It seems to me that a lot of visitors to Texas put on a cowboy hat, sort of as if that makes them fit in with the Texans. When my mom and dad were here last January, they wore their cowboy hats pretty much every time a picture of them was taken.

On Monday, that being Columbus Day, October 12, Oprah Winfrey was in Dallas to tape her show at the State Fair of Texas at the Chevrolet Main Stage. A lot of people turned out. I don't know if any of them wore cowboy hats. But Oprah did.

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