Thursday, October 29, 2009

No Texas Tornadoes With HostGator

A couple hours ago I blogged about what I thought was a problem with DNS settings not pointing correctly to my new webhost, HostGator.

I figured the switch had not been made because I was still getting email using the former password.

But, unbeknownst to me the switch started happening about 20 hours ago. I figured this out when I saw email piled up when I logged into the new account.

I didn't understand why my email was still connecting, with the now wrong password. Then a light bulb turned on in my feeble brain and I thought maybe I needed to close and re-open Outlook Express. Did so, went to check email, it asked me for a password, put in the new one and now the email works.

So, I've successfully gotten my main website off the old hacking host and up and running on the new one. This makes me a semi-happy boy this morning.

In an odd coincidence, when I went to look for a HostGator image I found one from a review titled HostGator vs. Bluehost. Bluehost was the webhost I bailed on early yesterday when their tech support guy was so inept. In the review the writer was not impressed with how the Bluehost phone support person handled his questions.

Anyway, I don't think we are under a Tornado Watch any more. It has calmed down out there. HUGE rainstorm in the middle of the night. It's almost 80 out there right now, coming up on 10am. The pool was very pleasant this morning, swimming around at the crack of dawn, watching for tornadoes.

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